
New Republic understands developers and their objectives when planning an entire site.

We know that a successful project takes focused planning efforts. Buildings are not stand-alone entities. They must integrate into the urban or suburban landscape and function for the Client and the end users. We get excited about large scale planning opportunities that align with our mission to put people in vacant buildings and buildings on vacant lots.


New Republic excels at quickly conceptualizing a project, understanding the surrounding context, and solving for site-specific challenges.

Whether macro-scale planning of a new subdivision or micro-scale infill development in the urban core, we consider space constraints, parking, connectivity, density, and demographics for all manner of sites and conditions. We love designing the spaces around a building as much as designing the buildings themselves. New Republic’s broad experience with multiple building types and our expertise in multiple types of residential code are invaluable when Clients have varied uses for a single site


New Republic starts with what is feasible, then helps Clients understand what is possible.

We begin by assessing what is reasonable given site constraints. Then we actively look for opportunities, even on the most challenging sites. We look at the connections between all the pieces of a development program and their varied uses, prioritize the relationships between the program pieces, and then arrange them on the site. We will graphically illustrate the program so a Client can see the “graphic math” and how that can drive the financial model of the project.


Connecting our Clients to opportunities and the right development partnerships so their projects succeed, matters to us.

We love to bring our ideas to our Clients. We know cooperation and collaboration from multiple parties make a macro-scale project a success. We get the right people in the room: we identify the right development partners for our Clients and create opportunities for new relationships, not just partnerships, that propel a project forward.